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Computer SourceA full-text database covering computing, technology and engineering disciplines. |
EBSCOhost DatabasesSearch for peer-reviewed and professionally cited articles on thousands of topics. This database is a great place to begin your research. |
ERIC - Education Resources Information CenterERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. |
Explora for EducatorTeachers may search for articles to support their lesson plans. |
Gale in Context: ElementaryFind articles, news, videos and photos on many topics, written for elementary kids. |
MAS Ultra - School editionDesigned specifically for high school libraries, MAS Ultra – School Edition is a full-text database of popular magazines, reference books and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science and health. It also includes and over a million photos, maps and flags. |
MASTERFILE PremierDesigned specifically for public libraries, this database provides full-text magazines, reference books and primary source documents. It also includes an extensive image collection containing photos, maps and flags. |