Board of Trustees Bylaws

By-laws of the Board of Trustees


Article I. Name and Location

The name of the library shall be the “Ritter Public Library.”

The library is located at 5680 Liberty Ave. in the City of Vermilion, Ohio.


Article II. Service District

The service district of the library shall include the City of Vermilion and the area encompassed by the Vermilion Local School District.  The library extends its services to all residents of the State of Ohio on equal terms.


Article III. Mission Statement

Ritter Public Library anchors our community by providing information, entertainment, and welcoming spaces for all.


Article IV. Membership

Members of the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees are, as provided for in the Ohio Revised Code §3375.15, appointed by the Vermilion Board of Education for a term of seven years.  Unexpired terms shall be filled by the Board of Education.  An oath of office is administered to each member of the Board upon appointment or reappointment.

Members of the Board serve without compensation.


Article V. Policies

The Board of Trustees shall have all the powers granted to it by law and shall, in open meeting, determine and establish, in accordance with law, the basic policies of the library with respect to:

  • The appropriation and budgeting of funds
  • The establishment and maintenance of the library and library services
  • The acquisition, improvement, maintenance, insurance, use and disposition of properties
  • The hiring, compensation, and responsibilities of, and the personnel practices concerning, librarians and other employees
  • The selection, collection, lending and disposition of books and other library materials
  • The acceptance of gifts

The policies determined and established by the Board shall remain in effect until changed or rescinded by further action of the Board and shall be administered by the library staff. The Director shall prepare and keep current a comprehensive manual of all policies established by the Board.  The manual will be distributed to the members of the Board and made available to the library staff and public.


Article VI. Officers

The President shall appoint a nominating committee at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting.  The committee will present a slate of officers at the Annual Meeting.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

At the Annual Meeting in January of each year, the Board shall elect from its membership a President, Vice President and Corresponding Secretary who shall serve a term of one year, commencing immediately and continuing to the election of officers at the next Annual Meeting.  At the same meeting, the Board shall appoint and fix and the compensation of a Fiscal Officer and Director, each of whom shall serve for a term of one year.  At the same meeting, the Board shall appoint a Deputy Fiscal Officer, who shall serve for a term of one year.

Each of the said officers shall have such powers and duties as prescribed by the Ohio Revised Code or by these By-laws or by special action of the Board from time to time to the extent that these By-laws or said actions are consistent with state law.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and shall, in consultation with the Director, determine the agenda for each meeting and shall, with the consent of the Board, determine the order of business. The President shall appoint committees and committee chairs with approval by vote of the Board and shall serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.  The President shall execute on behalf of the Board, and when approved by it, all such instruments of conveyance, assignment, transfer, contract, indebtedness, or lease as, in order to be effective, must be executed by an officer or member of the Board other than or in addition to the Fiscal Officer, and all written reports, applications and statements exclusive of routine check signing which law or governmental regulations require to be executed and filed on behalf of the Board by an officer or member of the Board other than or in addition to the Fiscal Officer or Director.  The President shall also serve as official spokesperson and perform all other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board.


Vice President

In the absence or unavailability of the President or the President’s declination to act, the Vice President shall have all powers and duties of the President, except as otherwise provided by law.


Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall prepare correspondence as directed by the Board and shall perform other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board.


Fiscal Officer

The Fiscal Officer shall be the treasurer and disbursing officer of the Board for all library funds.  Before assuming duties, a bond shall be executed in an amount and with a surety to be approved by the Board, payable to the Board and conditioned for the faithful performance of the official duties required by the Fiscal Officer.  The cost of said bond shall be paid for from library funds.  All monies received by the Fiscal Officer for library purposes shall be immediately placed in a depository designated by the Board.  The Fiscal Officer shall render a statement to the Board monthly showing the revenues and receipts from whatever sources derived, the disbursements and payees for such disbursements, and the assets and liabilities of the Board, and the relation of the several items in the foregoing to the budget.  At the end of each fiscal year, the Fiscal Officer shall submit to the Board a complete financial statement showing the receipts and expenditures in detail for the entire fiscal year. 

In the absence or unavailability of the Fiscal Officer, the Deputy Fiscal Officer shall act for and perform the functions of the Fiscal Officer for which the duties of the Deputy Fiscal Officer shall have executed a bond in an amount and with a surety in the same amount as that required of the Fiscal Officer.  The cost of said bond shall be paid for from library funds.

The signature of Board members, Fiscal Officer, and Deputy Fiscal Officer will be available at the appropriate banking institution so that co-signing for disbursement of funds can be accomplished.

The Fiscal Officer also serves as Secretary to the Board and shall keep a true and accurate record of, prepare or have prepared, and sign the minutes of the meetings of the Board, in addition to the President, or other presiding Board member and certificates evidencing resolutions or actions of the Board and, when required, shall attest to the signatures and authority of the President, Vice President or Director and co-sign instruments and writings executed by any of them.  The Fiscal Officer shall be responsible for the safekeeping and preservation of the minutes and official records of the Board. 


Article VII. Committees

The standing committees of the Board shall be:

  • Art
  • Building & Grounds
  • Finance
  • Nominating
  • Personnel
  • Policy
  • Strategic Planning

In addition there shall be special committees, as the Board shall determine from time to time.  The President of the Board shall be an ex-officio member of each committee, and the chair of each committee shall be a member of the Board appointed by the President with the consent of the Board.  Each committee shall have other members, if any, as the Board shall determine from time to time.

Except by the expressed approval or action of the Board, no committee shall have more than three (3) members of the Board, not including the President of the Board, or authority to make any decision upon any matter, business or policy, within the power or responsibility of the Board itself.  Any report or recommendation of a committee to the Board shall be deemed advisory only, and no member of the Board, whether or not a member of the committee, shall be bound or controlled by any action, report or recommendation of a committee.


Article VIII. Library Director

The Board shall appoint and fix the compensation of the Director who shall be the chief administrator and the librarian of the library.  The Director shall have full charge of the administration and operations of the library in accordance with the objectives and policies adopted by the Board and under the direction and review of the Board.  The Director shall be held responsible for the care of all buildings and equipment, for public relations, for the employment and direction of the library staff, for the selection, acquisition, and disposition of print and non-print materials within the annual appropriations adopted by the Board and subject to the general policies from time to time adopted by the Board.  The Director shall keep the Board informed as to the achievements and problems requiring action by or approval of the Board.  The Director shall present at each meeting a report concerning the work of the library and submit for consideration with recommendations all matters requiring action by the Board.  The Director shall attend all Board meetings except those at which the Director’s appointment or salary is to be discussed or described.

The Director shall serve at the discretion of the Board.  Employment shall be governed by the Personnel Section of the Policy Handbook adopted by the Board of Trustees.


Article IX. Meetings

Time and Notice

  • Regular meetings: Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month (except August) at 7:00 pm.  The President or Vice President may call special meetings of the Board at any time, as either deem necessary or by majority vote of the Board.
  • Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of January, following the regular monthly meeting.  At this meeting the Board shall elect officers, a Fiscal Officer, a deputy Fiscal Officer, and appoint a Director.  The Fiscal Officer shall administer the oath of office to the Board.
  • Meeting notice:   Notice of each regular meeting of the Board with documentation shall be distributed to each Board member at least four (4) business days prior to said meeting.  Board members will indicate their preference for electronic or paper format.

Notice of Special Meetings will be sent as soon as possible via email once date and time are confirmed.

  • Public notice: The Director shall cause a written notice of the time and place of each Board meeting to be published in the Vermilion Photojournal or other generally available newspaper at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting, except in the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action.  In this case, the notice shall be posted in a prominent location in the library promptly after the meeting is called.  Each published or posted notice shall state the purpose or purposes of the meeting.  Whenever the place or time of a Board meeting is changed at the same or a different place, the Director shall cause a written notice of the change or adjournment, including the new time and place of the meeting, to be posted in a prominent location in the library.  No notice of a meeting so posted shall be removed until the meeting is either concluded or canceled.
  • Executive session: The Board may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of the Board determined by a roll call vote, to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting.  The purpose(s) for holding such an executive session shall be specified in Ohio Revised Code §121.22 as amended, and the purpose(s) shall be included in the motion to hold the session.
  • Committee meetings: If and whenever a meeting shall be called of a committee having a majority of the Board as members, such meeting shall be open to the public in accordance with Ohio Revised Code §121.22, as amended and notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be posted and given as in the case of a special meeting of the Board.  In these instances, minutes must be taken and filed in accordance with Ohio Revised Code §121.22 and be kept as part of the permanent minutes of the library.
  • Certification: a) Any meeting notification provided herein to be given by the Director or a member of the Board may be given by any person acting on behalf of under authority of the Director or Fiscal Officer.  b) The Director shall maintain a record of the meeting date and manner, and time if pertinent under these by-laws, of all meeting notices or notifications given or attempted to be given under these by-laws and copies of proofs of publication of any notification or notices published there under. c) At the commencement of each meeting, the Director or Fiscal Officer shall submit a certificate as to compliance with these by-laws as to notice and notification.  A reasonable attempt shall constitute notification in compliance with these by-laws.  Such certificates shall be conclusive to the Board of Trustees as to the facts set forth therein. 


Place of Meeting

All meetings of the Ritter Public Library Board shall be held in the Ritter Public Library unless another location shall be fixed for a particular meeting by agreement of the Board.


Public Attendance

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings. However, reasonable limitations to public commentary are within the governance of the Board.

Meetings of the Board are public meetings and may be observed by members of the public. Observers may not participate in the meetings except upon the invitation of the President or presiding officer.

Board meetings shall include an item for public comment during which time the public may participate in the meeting. Members of the Board accept comments, but may choose not to respond to them immediately preferring instead to consider them at another time.

Therefore, persons wishing to speak to the Board on matters before the Board shall be allowed to speak at Board meetings in accordance with the following procedures:

1. A request to Speak Form shall be available at each Board meeting. The form shall provide for the person’s name, address, the organization the person represents and the item(s) on which the person wishes to speak

2. A completed Request to Speak Form shall be submitted to the Board prior to the convening of the Board meeting.

3. No person shall speak for more than three minutes, speakers are limited to one topic per meeting;

4. All persons speaking at any Board meeting shall confine all their remarks to the issue(s) at hand. No person, when speaking, shall make derogatory statements concerning any individual or organization or shall behave in a disorderly manner. Any violation of this paragraph shall subject the speaker to immediate forfeiture of the floor and continued violation of this paragraph shall subject said person to expulsion from said meeting; and

5. Persons wanting to record all or portions of a Board meeting must inform the Board prior to doing so. Any recording equipment must be silent, unobtrusive, self-contained, self-powered and not interfere with the ability of others present to hear, see and participate in the proceedings.



Four persons, a majority of the full membership of the Board, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a lesser number, in the absence of a quorum, may adjourn the meeting until another time without notice other than an announcement at the meeting.


Rule of Parliamentary Practices

When not otherwise governed by law or by these by-laws, the proceedings of the meetings of the Board shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order as currently revised and published at the time of the meeting.


Order of Business

Regular meeting: In general, the agenda of each regular meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the roll call and certification of notification, approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, correspondence, public comment, reports from the Director, Fiscal Officer, Facility Manager and committees, Endowment Fund report, old business, new business, and adjournment.

Annual Meeting: In general, the agenda of the annual meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the roll call and certification of notification, approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting, the election of officers, the appointment of the Fiscal Officer and Deputy Fiscal Officer, presentation and approval of a bond for the Fiscal Officer and Deputy Fiscal Officer, authorization of the Fiscal Officer to pay bills for the fiscal year, administration of oaths, appointment of the Director, and authorization for the Director to act as purchasing agent for the Board.  At this time, the President shall make committee assignments for the upcoming year, subject to the approval of the Board.

The business conducted at any special meeting of the Board shall be limited to the purposes stated in the written notice of such meeting, unless all the members at the meeting shall approve the transaction of other business.

The order of business of each meeting of the Board shall be determined by the presiding officer consistent with any expressed desires of a majority of the members of the Board present at the meeting.



At least four (4) business days before each regular meeting of the Board, the Director and Fiscal Officer shall distribute to each member of the Board, the following reports in such form as the Board shall from time to time request or the laws of Ohio shall require:

  • Agenda
  • Minutes of the previous meeting
  • Director’s report
  • Fiscal Officer’s report
  • Facility Manager’s Report

A copy of the Fiscal Officer’s report shall be submitted to the Board for approval.  At the meeting, the President shall inquire of the members present whether there are any questions or objections to the reports or the payments or actions therein reported.  If there is no correction, and no member present makes an amendment or addition to the reports, payments and actions therein shall be considered approved upon a motion duly made, seconded and passed, and the Fiscal Officer shall so indicate in the minutes of the meeting.

Any member not present at the meeting when a report is considered may at the first regular meeting at which he is thereafter present voice any objection the member may have to any such report or to a payment or action reported therein and have the member’s objection entered in the minutes of the meeting, but such objection shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the previous approval of such report, payment, or action unless by motion, resolution and roll call the Board shall otherwise decide.  Any report to which an addition, amendment, correction or objection is made at the meeting to which it is submitted shall be approved only by motion or resolution and vote of the Board.



Except when a larger vote is required by law, all actions of the Board shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of members of the Board present, provided there is a quorum.  When a motion is made and seconded to adopt a resolution, the Secretary of the Board shall call the roll of the members of the Board and enter in the minutes of the meeting the names of those voting “aye”, those voting “nay” and of those abstaining.


Records of the Library – Public Information

All library documents are public records and shall be made available for review and inspection by any person upon reasonable request to the Director. These documents include official reports of the Board required by the Ohio Revised Code and the Auditor of State.  Copies of the policy handbook, union contract and any other job related document shall be made available to all library staff.


Article X. Finances

The Ritter Public Library shall observe the Federal, State, County and local requirements regarding the finances of the library, including the receipt, expenditure and investment of funds, preparation and presentation of budgets, bank depositories, insurance, contracts, records and reports, and bidding as provided for in the Fiscal Policies section of the Policy Handbook as adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees.

The Fiscal Officer is authorized, upon receipt of funds of the library, to determine the extent to which the needs of the library reasonably require that such funds be classified as active funds or permit them to be classified as interim or inactive funds in an authorized depository or qualified investment as provided for in the Fiscal Policies section of the Policy Handbook as adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees.

The Fiscal Officer is authorized, upon receipt of any funds of the library held as interim or inactive funds, to determine the extent to which the needs of the library reasonably require that such funds be transferred to the status of active funds and the extent to which such funds may remain as interim or inactive funds in an authorized depository or other qualified investment as provided for in the Fiscal Policies section of the Policy Handbook as adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees.

All checks paying out funds of the library shall be signed by the Fiscal Officer or Deputy-Fiscal Officer and by the President or Vice-President or Secretary of the Board, except for payroll checks which require the signature of only the Fiscal Officer or Deputy Fiscal Officer.  When necessary, any member of the Board is authorized to sign checks.  

The use of the building fund shall be limited to major planned expenditures or emergency repair expenditures, each of which shall be individually submitted to the Board for approval.  In December of each year the Board may approve a transfer from the unexpended General Fund appropriation to the building fund.

After the annual appointment of a Fiscal Officer, the Board shall adopt a resolution:  a) authorizing the Fiscal Officer to encumber and disburse funds during the ensuing year as long as disbursements fall within the annual appropriation resolution(s) adopted by the Board and b) to invest library monies in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, current depository contracts, and the Fiscal Policies section of the Policy Handbook as adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees.


Article XI. Conflict of Interest

No members of the Board shall have any pecuniary interest in any contract entered into by the Board, in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code §3375.35.


Article XII. Amendments

These by-laws may be amended at any meeting by the affirmative vote of a majority of members of the Board present provided there is a quorum and provided that a notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given with the notice of the meeting.


Article XIII. Statement of Ethics for Trustees

  • Trustees must promote the highest level of library service while observing ethical standards.
  • Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, or the institution.
  • It is incumbent upon any Trustee to disqualify himself/herself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.
  • Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution.
  • A Trustee must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware of and in compliance with that particular state’s freedom of information act.
  • Trustees must be prepared to support the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals, consistent with local community standards.
  • Trustees who accept appointment to the library board are expected to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Trustee.


Adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees

October 12, 1999

Amended May 9, 2000


Article XIV. Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.


I.    Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

II.    Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III.    Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

IV.    Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

V.    A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

VI.    Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 18, 1948, by the ALA Council; amended February 2, 1961; January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.

Adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees

December 12, 2006


Article XV. Intellectual Freedom

It is the policy of the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees to fully support the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. This encompasses the freedom to hold, receive, and disseminate ideas. Intellectual freedom provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored.

The Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees believes that censorship is a purely individual matter and declares that while anyone is free to reject materials of which he or she does not approve, he or she cannot exercise this right of censorship to restrict the freedom of others to read and to view whatever materials they choose.

The Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees affirms that it is the responsibility of a parent/guardian/custodial caregiver to monitor information accessed by his/her children under the age of 18. No restrictions on access to information are made by the library. The library will not act in loco parentis, nor assume the functions of parental authority in the private relationship between parent and child. All parents/guardians/custodial caregivers are encouraged to take an active role in helping their children access information most appropriate to their needs.

The Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association, and its Interpretations, the Freedom to Read statement and the Freedom to View statement of the Ohio Library Council.


Adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees

December 12, 2006


Article XVI. Freedom to View

The Freedom to View, along with the freedom to speak, to hear, and to read is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.  In a free society, there is no place for censorship of any medium of expression.  Therefore these principals are affirmed:

  1. To provide the broadest access to film, video and other audiovisual materials because they are a means for the communication of ideas.  Liberty of circulation is essential to insure the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression.
  2. To protect the confidentiality of all individuals and institutions using film, video and other audiovisual materials.
  3. To provide film, video and other audiovisual materials which represent a diversity of views and expression.  Selection of a work does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content.
  4. To provide a diversity of viewpoints without the constraint of labeling or prejudging film, video, or other audiovisual materials on the basis of the moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer of filmmaker or on the basis of controversial content.
  5. To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, every encroachment upon the public’s freedom to view.

This statement was originally drafted by the Freedom to View Committee of the American Film and Video Association (formerly the Educational Film Library Association) and was adopted by the AFVA Board of Directors in February 1979.  This statement was updated and approved by the AFVA Board of Directors in 1989.

Endorsed January 10, 1990 by the ALA Council

Adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees. 

December 12, 2006


Article XVII. Freedom to Read

It is the policy of the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees that it is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those that are unorthodox or unpopular with the majority.

The Ritter Public Library does not endorse every idea or presentation contained in the materials it makes available. It would conflict with the public interest of the library to establish its own political, moral, or aesthetic views as standard for determining what books should be published or circulated. It is contrary to the public interest of the library to determine the acceptability of a book on the basis of the personal history or political affiliations of the author.

Adopted by the Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees

December 12, 2006




At the conclusion of the January Board meeting, the President calls for adjournment, Sine Die. The Annual Meeting is then called to order for the purpose of:

  • Election of officers: President, Vice President and Secretary, who shall serve for a term of one year.
  • Appointment of Fiscal Officer for one year and amount of salary.  Fiscal Officer should present a bond for approval and details should be recorded in the minutes.  The Fiscal Officer’s term and bond must run from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting or from January 15 to January 15, whichever comes first.  There must be a motion granting the Fiscal Officer authority to invest in interim funds.  The Fiscal Officer’s bond is kept on file in the Fiscal Officer’s office.
  • Appointment of a Deputy Fiscal Officer for term of one year and approval of a bond along with details should be recorded in the minutes.  The Deputy Fiscal Officer’s term and bond must run from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting or from January 15 to January 15, whichever comes first. The Deputy Fiscal Officer’s bond is kept on file in the Fiscal Officer’s office.
  • Appointment of a Director for one year and amount of salary.


Publication of Election of Officers

Publication in the Vermilion Photojournal of the election of officers, with the addition of time date and location of regular meetings of the Board and that such meetings are open to the public. The President should officially delegate this responsibility to the Director and so should be noted in the minutes. The following is an example of what should appear:

The Ritter Public Library Board of Trustees elected officers for _____ at its Annual Meeting January____. President, _______________ Vice President, ____________and Corresponding Secretary_____________.  Other Trustees are:

The Trustees meet the second Tuesday of each month (except August) at 7:00p.m. at the library.  Meetings are open to the public.


Annual Appropriations Resolution

The annual appropriations resolution should be reviewed, adopted and signed by the Board.  This entire resolution should be incorporated in the minutes and a copy sent to the county auditor of Erie County by March 31st, unless a temporary resolution has been adopted December of the previous year.  In that case, the permanent appropriations resolution may be presented to the Board by the March meeting for submission to the county auditor’s office by March 31st.



By the February Board meeting, members should have received from the Fiscal Officer the annual financial report of the previous year.  The Fiscal Officer must publish it in the newspaper within ninety (90) days after the close of the financial year.  The Fiscal Officer also sends a copy to the Vermilion Board of Education.  (* the annual financial report should be printed in the paper in legal print).



By the March meeting, the Board will receive the permanent annual appropriations resolution from the Fiscal Officer, if a temporary resolution was adopted in December of the previous year.  The annual appropriations resolution is based on the budget request and the Agreement for Distribution of the PLF in Erie and Lorain Counties.  The appropriations resolution is flexible and can be amended as needed.





During May and June the Director, Fiscal Officer and Board Finance Committee prepare the budget for the following year to be presented to the Trustees at the June meeting.



At the June meeting, the budget for the following year must be presented to the Board for approval.



  • The Ohio State Tax Commissioner issues a revised estimate of the current year’s PLF collection and county entitlement.
  • The Ohio State Tax Commissioner issues the first estimate of the following year’s PLF collection and county entitlement.
  • By July 20th the Board approved budget must be submitted to the Erie County Budget Commission.



The Erie County Budget Commission meets in August to determine the amount of PLF to be certified for the next year for each library.  The Budget Commission refers to the Agreement for Distribution of the PLF in Erie County that the various libraries have adopted for a number of years.  If certification is going to be appealed, the appeal must be filed within 30 days of receipt of certification and must be done by Board resolution.  The County Budget Commission holds public hearings of the library districts’ budgets, if necessary.







The Director checks Trustee appointments and a request by letter to the Vermilion Board of Education reappointment form is submitted.

At the November Board meeting, the President should appoint a committee to review:

  • Present salaries and wages for non-union employees
  • Job descriptions and wage schedules
  • Employment policies

Any recommended changes should be noted and brought to the December Board meeting for action.  Copies as approved by the Board shall be given to the Fiscal Officer and Director.  The Director and President should be ex-officio members of this committee.  The Director should be excused when his/her salary is discussed.

The President should appoint a nominating committee for the offices of President, Vice President and Corresponding Secretary to report at the Annual Meeting in January.



The Ohio Tax Commissioner issues a revised estimate of the following years PLF collection and county entitlements.

The county auditor must make a certification of the following year’s PLF entitlement by December 31st, if not made in August.

The Library’s temporary annual appropriations resolution must be made by December 31st if needed.

By resolution and a two-thirds vote of the full Board membership, the Board may transfer unencumbered funds from the general fund to the building and repair fund at the end of the fiscal year. The Fiscal Officer and Secretary shall be given approved recommendations in writing.


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